Would you believe I still am not numbering my days?
Well, I don't know how to break this to you, but I have still been sleeping all the time now! One might say that this is characteristic of a sign of something that the doctors in the US of A call "depression," but I feel just as tidy as a bee in a hive. So a girl like I doesn't even think she is depressed, but rather thinks she is just so tidy and happy as a mouse. But a girl like I just cannot help sleeping for almost all the time right now.
The benefit to this is that I have had quite a few dreams that perhaps I shall put together in a tidy little book and use a tidy little mousepad even from a laptop in order to help structure the format and look and design of such a tidy little book of dreams. But I only need to find a title that is as catchy as a dream catcher, but that people will like to read and be enticed by, even though I have to admit that life is just as they say it is whether it is 80 degrees Farenheit or 12 degrees Farenheit.