Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Back from the michigan trip to make friends at the wedding, and now time to take what I like to call a "shower to cool me off in this hot weather"

Well, I have returned from Michigan and my weekend wedding trip turned into so much more, as it combined my love of water animals and my passion for making new friends and also little tiny paperweights made from such hot and clever items as: stones, sticks, pieces of glass, shells weighed down with cement, etc.

I just wanted to say hi, and now I will unwind and take a shower as it has been a long couple of weeks and settle in to the 90 degree Farenheit weather, which is just what we have tended to be having in the world over here now in New York state tonight. And I will update you soon, but I hope things are well in your blogworlds, and in your real-life worlds too, which is quite a world to be living in, even though I have a blister on my right foot from all the walking around I did in that state that is called:


And the blog world certainly does not give me blisters on my feet, but my wrists do tend to ache from time to time working on a lap top in a weird position, but as they always say, "That is your choice, Orchard," and it is and I choose it.

Love, orch


Blogger Michael said...

Hey look everybody Orchard is back!

Take Care

11:25 PM  

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