Not just any ole bug, no, but a special situation
Well, when a girl such as I has one of the most intriguing of experiences, she can hardly keep it a secret from her best friend bloggers, even though she does not blog as much as she really ought to. And that experience is the following of late:
Why, just today, I was harvesting my tomato plants in "round 1" of my plant lines, as round 2 and round 3 were planted at different times of year and so on and so forth. Now then, as I was harvesting one large juicey plan that I have decided to call a "cherry tomato" as it looks like a cherry but is a tomato, well, I harvested it up and decided to give it a toss to my adorable growing pup, Igor the Blog.
Well, Igor has grown to find the value in tomatoes, even though at first Igor did not quite want to eat them, and so when I tossed it, Igor the Blog dove right at it and popped it up on his snout. The tomato did not get much height in its flight, but just enough so that when it landed, it gave off a tiny "poof." And wouldn't you know, it split open and there inside the tomato pod, lay just the cutest little bug that is not like any bug I have ever seen in my life that is entire.
The bug that I witnessed that is not the bug in the link that is there when you click on bug (but that I found online which was quite a coincidence because there it is a delicacy to eat such things, which I shall not) I shall now describe as the following because I really just don't have a digital camera to do my dirty work:
-short and squat
-rolly polly
-cute and fuzzy
-big eyed, long thin legs
-just the cutest little smirk
-colors of potato teal, velvet purple, ionizing red and mediocre blue
Well, that is about all I can say about the bug, but it really just made me think about life and about how really if a bug can survive in a tomato pod, and actually then come out looking quite interesting and unusual, then perhaps we can survive in situations that really are not what we thought we could? And that does seem to be the way in many situations, and really, I do welcome in the time of Spring.
love always,