Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Day 59: My rockstar meeting with Kimmy and that is all I can say without giving the rest away that is my adventure of life today

I must say, and I've said this before, but I've found it always to be the case. Life sure knows how to throw you a bone now and then. Even if you had to kill the chicken yourself with your own bare hands and struggle and get cut up by the chicken's claws, and then have to yank the bone out of the chicken, and clean it up enough so that it's something you wouldn't mind that Life gave you--Life sure does know how to throw those bones.

Well, I could not think of the best song to win back my friendship for Kimmy, but since I had worked so hard yesterday in getting my hair done just so and warming up my voice in the shower, I knew I must strike while the kettle was hot! So I grabbed my sack of pennies and threw on my most striking rockstar outfit, which was 1) purple flowered leggings 2) a short orange cordoroy skirt 3) a shirt that said, "Friendship is the perfect Blendship" and 4) a hat/crown that I made from aluminum foil and decorated with popsicle sticks, band-aids, and bark with glue. Then I made haste and got over to Kimmy's residence.

I waited in my normal spot where I like to post myself, watching for Kimmy to come and go. It was a good wait because while there, I got to think about what I might sing to Kimmy to make the most beautiful song in the world. Well, I had not yet figured out what that song was when I saw Kimmy's car pull up, and she walked into her residence facility, and then I even saw the light turn on in her room. As the light turned on, a tiny grey light turned on in my head too, and I knew right then and there, the most beautiful song to win Kimmy back was not some song I had rehearsed and perfected! No! It was a song that I would make up on the spot, that I would sing from my heart! It would be real and pure and Kimmy would see that and take me back as her best friend.

So I grabbed my sack of pennies and began throwing them at Kimmy's window. It appeared that the pennies tended to like to go to other people's windows, as well, so I became witness to quite some unpleasant things people were shouting out and about. But soon I heard Kimmy's distinct shout, and I stopped tossing. I ran out so she could see me in the dimming light and I just burst into song right then and there!

I couldn't even tell you what my song was like now, only that it had key words in it like "Orchard, me, Kimmy, friends, blendship, imposter". But that's all I remember because it really was just a river flowing from my heart to Kimmy's window, and it flowed so loud and fast that Kimmy told me, "Stop! No! Stop! I down! I come down!" or something to that effect, and true to her word, Kimmy came down and stood about 10 feet away from me..

I wanted to run at her and give her a hug, but then remembered how she had not received me so warmly the last time. So I learned from history, and remembered that wonderful song from my childhood that taught me, "Once bitten, twice shy, babe." So I remained planted where I remained, and Kimmy stared at me for a moment. She held a large paper bag in her hands and I was hoping that it was a bundle of friendship underneath! I knew that she was trying to figure out if I were the true Orchard at this moment, or just an imposter. Well, she finally shook her head at me, and pointed to my leggings then to my crown and she started laughing. I started laughing also and lauged so hard that I fell on the ground and started rolling around. I rolled quite a distance, and Kimmy had to jog a little to catch up with me.

Then I sat up and finally stood on my own two feet and told her this one sentence, that I hoped would always bring her comfort, "I am the real Orchard."

Well, it seemed to work because then she did the most touching thing in the world. She pulled out from under that paper bag the tap dancing green paper mache grass ostrich that I made for her for St. Patrick's day! I had left it by the trash dumpster, so I had figured it had been impounded by now, but apparently Kimmy had rescued it and undoubtedly seen my card expressing how I missed her. I then had to give her a hug and she didn't seem to think I was as much of an imposter then or if I were, I made a darn good green tap dancing grass paper mache ostrich. But she then broke away from me and ran into the house at lightning speed!

I tried to follow her, but I was holding the ostrich and it just didn't allow me to catch up, and that Kimmy sure does have legs that take her places at a rapid pace. I started to panic because I was afraid I might have accidentally done something an imposter of Orchard might have done, but then Kimmy appeared back down stairs near me and she held a large bucket in her hand and grinned just the cutest little grin. She yelled, "Bad cow! Bad cow!" and I was rather quite impressed that she had learned so many English words from me. Then she seemed to run at me, and all of a sudden, she dumped a bucket of sour smelling milk all over me.

Well, I was quite shocked at first because of the stench and coldness on my clothes and body, then I quickly came to my senses and knew that Kimmy was only playing the special game I had shown her the last night before she stopped answering my calls, only that time she was the bad cow and I was the bucket holder. Well, Kimmy had a good laugh and shook my hand, and I laughed too, but then thought it was about time to go, as I ought to get out of my sour milk rock star clothing.

Kimmy nodded and said, "Oh yes, good, good. Yes." and I knew that I had my Kimmy back.



Blogger Michael said...


Such great news.

Take Care

10:26 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

now that I know you got kimmy back it is going to make my whole day better

2:27 PM  

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